Round 1 Bowling and Arcade tour

I got to tour around the Round 1 arcade in Tukwilla Washington, which is a bit South West of Seattle. It's in the mall shopping area, and you need to take an elevator or stairs to get there.

What I expected to see was less than 20 arcade games, and for them to be in a small alcove from the bowling area. Instead, they had nearly 100 games, and all of them were modern. I saw Wahlap racers, a plinko machine with a see through plastic screen, and just about every game I had some interest in.

The Highlights were the Gunslinger Stratos games and Star Wars Pod Games. GS was imported from Japan, which made the selection screen difficult to figure out. The tutorial was incredibly annoying, but I did find out some tricks, and how the camera system worked. When actually playing the game, it is a very fun and strategic game of deathmatch, and super moves.

The Star Wars Pod game was fun, but I was quite awful at it. I missed the final shot at the Death Star level. The graphics were crisp, and the controls were fun and engaging. Although I was actually on a prepared line shooting around, it never felt that way.

The imported NESiCA games were fantastic. They had just about every modern Fighting game out there, and then some fun others. Ragnarok was a fighting and deathmatch game with magic that let you slowly level up your characters. Gundam was a 3rd person death match game that let you take on all of the famous Gundams in the history of the show. I progressed, but I also felt like I was taking too much time with it.

The karaoke rooms looked like they had karaoke as well as regular console games as well. It was nice rooms with sofas, and the chance to hang out with friends. It would be a great idea for a birthday party, or fun get together.

The bowling alley worked, and I was satisfied with that. It was a lot of fun, and I highly recommend this arcade.


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