Mormon Geek culture in Utah

So why is Utah so Geeky? In a test by estately, Utah is the number one Geek spot in the US. You would think a place like Washington, Oregon, California, or anyplace but Utah would be more Geeky. How could a bunch of Mormons be so geeky?

The answer gets very weird. Mormons and Jews show up a lot in geek history. Mormon culture would naturally be more inclined for enthusiasm in TV shows than other cultures. If you follow the percentages, Mormons make up a large part of states that also have love for geeky things.

An open, and quizzical, secret about videogame history is that Mormons and Jews show up all the time. Videogames were either invented by Nolan Bushnell a kid who grew up in Utah, and went to the University of Utah, or Ralph Baer who had to flee Germany because he was Jewish. Before you think its cleared if you just look at TV, the inventor of Television was an Idahoan farmer named Philo Farnsworth, and very much so Mormon. Every history book I have read has had Mormons and Jews in every story.

The reason for this is that, like Jews, Mormons tend to be geekier than usual within their own culture. The need to know scriptures is a constant presence in either culture. While young Jews get up for Shuul, young Mormons get up for Seminary. A two year mission is basically studying scriptures to answer questions -or arguments- people may have.

Promoting intelligence is a major Mormon cultural aspect. The University of Utah is still one of the top tech colleges in the country. The Church continues to sponsor colleges, such as my own Brigham Young University- Hawaii. My college was dedicated to teaching, and expanding the knowledge of the many peoples in the Pacific ocean.

Mormons also have the Word of Wisdom, which asks Mormons to abstain from Coffee, Tea -both green and black-, alcoholic beverages, and tobacco products. This means doing things that will keep your interest without drugs is a good thing within Mormon culture.

There is also the reality that as a minority that gets made fun of a lot, Mormons tend to stop caring what relative normal ideas are being promoted. Being yelled at because you are Mormon is not very different than when people mistreat you for enjoying Naruto. The same questions, ideas, and stereotypes are promoted.

If you look at the questions being asked in the original survey, most items would be fairly clean family friendly things that would be interesting to a Mormon anyway. This would add to the desire to watch, and enjoy geek culture much more easily as a happy Mormon. Take Doctor Who for example, it is a kids show about a time travelling alien. It works to have things Mormons agree with, and not show things Mormon’s disagree with. Some would argue that there are elements Mormons would disagree with. For example the married lesbian couple in Victorian London. The answer is that the last sentence is not going to offend Mormons, especially since said Victorian couple is also interspecies between a lizard woman from the dawn of time, and her human wife. The ridiculousness alone changes it away from offensive. The other answer would need a much longer essay on just this subject. Just accept that Mormons are a lot more open and accepting than what has been shown on TV, and way more geeky.

While in Phoenix, I pointed out that the Fry’s Electronics did not have a large book section like the one found in Seattle. A cousin responded that in the more Mormon section of the city -which is on the opposite side from Fry’s- has several book stores, and geeky places. He was right. There were many book stores, and places to be a geek.

This idea that somehow Mormons raise the geek culture within an area has a great deal of truth to it. While in Rexburg Idaho visiting a brother, I found an arcade, videogame store, and boardgame store. A population of a few thousand was enough to keep these stores working. The entire town of Rigby is a Mormon colony.
This man was reading a Warhammer novel while owning an arcade/laser tag area. He started it by playing laser tag in his apartment complex. There is no way he is not a geek, or that the entire town would have a high geek percentage to keep him in business.

The evidence continues that Mormons are geeky. Slate made a map of Mormon populations in the US. If you look at it, you will see a very similar pattern to the geekiest states in the US, and major Mormon percentages.
This is not to mean that all Mormons are geeks, or that for a high geek amount the population must be entirely Mormon. It does show why Utah, and its touching states have such a high geek percentage. It also shows that where you find geeks, it should not be a surprise to find Mormons.

Also, because of the way Mormon culture also promotes geek culture, it should not be a surprise to find geeks. Even if the people involved are not members of the faith, the Mormon population, and design of the towns and cities allows a geek friendly area. Thus, the explanation for Utah is now explainable.

As you can see, Utah is a major geek area. This is because Mormon culture tends to promote things, and ideas for geeky folks.


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