Persuasion of Reciprocity in life and games

As we get into the idea of persuasion in real life, and in games we come to a big word. In college, if you are studying any cultural studies you need to learn what reciprocity is. The idea is constantly used, and built upon as you learn.

At it’s most basic level, it is considered an exchange. Within culture it can build up families, and keep cultural traits alive as people move apart. Games have reciprocity as a reward/challenge balance for you to gain knowledge. Some of the things you are rewarded with are dying from spikes or enemies, while power ups teach you to keep searching.

Reciprocity is one of the most common things you will find in life. It is at its very basic state, an exchange. You give someone something, and they give you something else. You go to a store, and show the cashier the products you want. In exchange, you give them money, or some other good at an agreed about price. It seems so simple at a store, because we don’t see the ceremony involved in proving that you have paid, and that the cashier is not controlling what the price is. The further back you look from this small moment, the larger and larger the exchange becomes. Your bank account sends numbers to their bank account, and then their bank confirms payment is made. Your decisions are entirely based on what you need, and want. Did the offering of bread please you? Then you must realize they have to make each loaf of bread exactly the same to please you in an equal amount. It gets bigger, and bigger, and that small exchange is the end result.

We have reciprocity in our lives beyond just a store. Your parents raised you, in hopes that you could become a great, and prosperous person. Hopefully, after realizing this, you attempt to help them when they are in trouble. Not only that, you intend to raise your own children so that they can repay the debt you feel with your parents.

Immigrant groups use reciprocity to share culture. The young immigrant receives gifts of cultural items -like food, and traditional items- and sends money to help the family with things. If they are visiting, it is traditional to buy things to help the family, and even pay for the shipment back home. This can be very expensive for families in both directions.

If there is a son or daughter who is acting up, they are sent back to the homeland to learn the traditional ways. This is a way to build up a bond between the family members, and the reciprocity continues from it.

You have likely done it with siblings. You help them with a chore, and they help you with another chore. It makes things work faster, and easier. When you parents promise you an item if you get good grades, or do a specific chore, you are reciprocating.

Games use reciprocation as a means of advancement. If you complete this task, you can gain this item, or even advance the story. It is also a great learning tool within a game.

You likely know the infamous fetch quest. A character can not do something without someone else doing something for them. They have a baby trapped by a flock of angry pigeons, and you need to slay the pigeons. If you do this, you gain some small money, or a special item. In fact, the entire game may be based on you trying to do this one task in reward for the games ending.
Yes, this is totally a Strong Bad Email's reference.

Let’s say you were playing an old timey adventure game, and you needed a flask to pour the poison into. If you make a direct attempt at the flask, you will be unable to pick it up for several reasons. However, if you search the level, and find the goat, and carry it with you to get the flask, you will be able to attain the flask. Within the game this is a puzzle to figure out -and not one of the crazier ones to be honest.

This is also very keenly felt with keys with a dungeon. The exit to the door may be a few rooms over, however you need to use keys found throughout the level to get to that exit. As is the same with the adventure game, it feels like more of an accomplishment as you explore the level trying to find the keys. Each key opens up the level a little bit more, which gives a feeling of exploration as new things are found.

In the same way, opening up new areas in a game by leveling up builds your enjoyment of the game. In the Phantasy Star series, you start off unable to be outside for very long without being killed in random battles. As you gain more experience points, and are able to kill the first few enemies, newer more difficult enemies appear. You slowly go further and further out of the beginning area as you build up. The reciprocity of trying to level build rewards you with a bigger area to explore, and more enemies to defeat.

At the very beginning, you need to grab a key card and a sword to get out into the wilderness.

The same progression can be felt throughout most games. As you get better, the game gives you more to explore. You enjoy the game because of the reward of gaining more.

In real life, you really shouldn't touch this mushroom.
The levels do not just give you positive feedback, but negative as well. With these you learn, thus gain new knowledge and skills to beat the game.

In Super Mario Bros, you know the villains by touching them and dying. You know the power ups by touching them, and being rewarded with growing, or throwing fire. Touch the enemy and dying would be considered a negative reciprocity. The power ups would be considered a positive reciprocity. With each new item, you find out how to play by touching them, and finding out what is needed. Slowly, you gain knowledge and what is a good idea, and what you need to learn.

Levels you played before become memorized to the point that you can complete them without thinking, or even opening your eyes.

Thus as the game is mastered, you gain new levels, or the ability to have an easier time in beating the game.

Reciprocity is at its most basic, an exchange. Going to the store and buying an item is a very low level form, while parents giving gifts is considered a higher form. As you play games, to continue, you must build up skills, and thus gain admission to the next area. It can be a fetch quest, an item in a level, or building up your character. As you learn what to do, you will find negative reciprocity from enemies, while power ups, and new weapons create positive reciprocity.

As you play a game, you are encouraged to learn more about it. The reward for playing it is more game to play. The persuasion is that this reward for learning will make you want to learn more about the game, and thus continue playing it. Although you will see reciprocity more often outside of videogame thoughts, it is still there in the gameplay.

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