Process of Greatness or evil

I've written about this subject several times before. For this set of videos, ingo into the common uses of the processes that create assholes. They often can create good and wonderful things as well. For example the first video is more about how someone falls in love with cosplay and videogames

For more on this subject, check out my study on persuasion. The recruiter can be a perfectly good person who helps someone out of a bad time. Evil people follow the same process to create gang members and terrorists.

We don't study success or successful people in the same way we study failure. There are way more studies on mental problems than mental gifts. Because of this we promote entrepreneurs as some kind of fantasy figure, and make it difficult for them to even know they are doing well. In that same vein, we don't discuss how the same process that creates great men, also creates evil ones. 


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