The Week between NWPAS and SRGE

I slept almost the entire time for two days straight. There were videos to be watched, and games to be played, but I was tired. I had just gone through a huge convention, and worked my butt off, and now had a fun one coming right up. It would be a convention marathon, and I needed to take a break to make sure I could handle it.

It would cost too much for me to leave, and then head back, so I stayed at my friend’s place. The room I was staying in had hundreds of games to play, and I intended to record a few for videos. For some reason, my Hauppage recorder wasn’t working. I checked everything I could, and found nothing wrong. My computer simply didn’t recognize the RCA cables. The entire goal was dashed.

I did however play a few games. Double Dragon on the Genesis had a very slow reaction time, which annoyed me. The RPG I tried out was too short of a try out to really know anything. But then there was Actraiser. I loved Actraiser, and played it so much I missed the ferry I was supposed to head out on. This didn’t bother me, because I could play more Actraiser.

I went to Popeyes twice. The biscuits are delicious, and the chicken is nice and juicy.

My attempts to head out, and take pictures of flowers always ended with the cold and moisture turning my phone off. I also had a hard time finding places.

Luckily, there was the Electronics Entertainment Expo. It’s supposed to be the big be all end all convention for videogame culture. All of the big names show up, and talk about their plans for the next few years.

Microsoft announced their new X Box One X, which has the Initials of XBOX. It’s a newish console based on the architecture for the XBox One. They also talked about backwards compatability for as many 360 and Xbox Original games they could. It would all be emulation, but it did sound cool. The big game for the console would be Crackdown 3, and Forza 7. C3 was delayed, but Forza did come out. Another big thing for Microsoft was how many of these games would release for Windows 10 as well. Forza released for the console, and PC this year. Oh, and Minecraft has a 4K update to it.

Sony tried to sound brave, and bold, but their big PS4 Pro from last year wasn’t working out. The VR unit was having problems as well. The entire show was Sony trying to prove they still had games coming. There was a cool looking Spiderman, God of War, and other games that reminded you of the glorious PS2 era.

Nintendo already had a console out, and it was doing really well. Their big presentation was only about games releasing that year, and one small teaser. They gave release dates for the big Mario game, and info about various other games as well. The 3DS was still being supported, though the emphasis was more on the Switch. The final teaser was for Metroid Prime 4, and then no information on it at all.

The Third Party teams showed off games. Ubisoft had several sequels, and Mario vs Rabbids. The Rabbids game turned out to be a lot more fun than it should have been.

Devolver Digital had a big presentation on various games, and how E3 works. The show was directed by a local film maker from Seattle, so there was a lot more dark and edgy stuff than expected. People were blown up, and blood was splattered.

After that, journalists talked about various games that caught their eye, and what to watch. A lot of games turned out to be letdowns. Battlefront II actually earned an anti gambling law in a couple countries, and then was banned.

Since I am writing this at the end of the year, I can talk about these things, but I didn’t know about all of the weirdness that was coming soon. Instead, I saw cool games, and enjoyed what seemed like fun, and ignored what I didn’t care about.

It wasn’t the exciting show I was expecting, but it helped me get through the week. Honestly the winner for the week between was Actraiser.


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