The Emotional Asshole

So we have gone over the numbers a little bit, and how we tend to be scared of the possibility of dealing with an asshole, whether it be active shooter, a terrorist, or some guy that ran over a dog for the heck of it. We are scared of being attacked by sharks, but that’s an incredibly small number compared to amount of people that go out into the ocean. These small numbers are difficult to describe because we are not accustomed to dealing with them directly. To us, something like this must be common, because it is talked about so much.

The reason why we have such difficulties with the subject is because the people who do these horrible things, are outliers. It’s a statistical term for things that are so away from the majority, that we don’t even look at them, or only look at them. We drive by the billions in this world, and getting in a car wreck is next to impossible, yet we have all been in a car wreck. The reality is, the wreck really is an outlier, we just have so many drivers each day that having one becomes very possible.

To give you an idea, I will share some info on quantum physics. I am not claiming to know everything about it, but what you see is accurate. First off we need a base number, so I will introduce a mol to you. It’s a great number, and it equates to one square inch of space, and how many atoms are inside it. Hydrogen is exactly one mol per square inch. Carbon is six. A mol is about 6.022 x 10^23 or 602,200,000,000,000,000,000,000. This looks big, and it should, but it also means that things that should be impossible are common.

Let me give you an example. Let’s say that the possibility that some of these atoms can be antimatter, but it is a one in a trillion possibility. This means that there are 6.022x10^12 atoms that are antimatter at any given moment. In case you are wondering, that’s more than a thousand times the population of the earth. Even throwing large numbers at things, the amount of a mole means that something incredibly impossible is not only possible, but somewhat common. The majority do not do this, but the incredibly small amount is huge when compared to the amount of space given.

Now let’s go into the other direction. Once again, within the space given, there is no chance that a flying unicorn exists here on this earth. However, when we explore things like multiverses, and universes within universes, and even dimensions within atoms, we come to the reality that there is a likelihood of these impossible creatures existing. As Stephen Hawking once pointed out, with all the possibilities put together with all of the space given, there is a world out there where you are dating a very famous person happily.

This isn’t an attempt to go into science fiction, but to point out that we often forget how big our population really is. At seven billion people, and all of them interacting over and over again, it becomes a very different time to talk about things. For example, if I told you that 99.999 percent of the world is not a killer, we have 70,000 killers, or the population of a large town. They are dispersed throughout the world in a way that it would be very difficult to find out who it is.

If you read opinion pieces on various websites, you can spot the problems with the details. But it’s important to point them out so that people realize how insane they really are. For example, Melissa Batchelor Warnke of the Los Angeles Times says that all violent crime is performed by men. She uses statistics and numbers, and is almost convincing until you realize what she is actually saying, and the actual numbers being used. She is blaming 3.5 billion people for mass shootings. Take a moment to think about the small numbers of people that actually perform these crimes, and then to the number given.

Let’s try another, I have read that various religions cause horrible war crimes. Some terrorist organizations promote their islamic religious beliefs, so therefore all muslims need to be suspected. If you check, there are 1.7 billion muslims in the world. This doesn’t narrow it down at all. Not to mention many of the uses of terrorism have been done by Irish protesters, or that Tamil freedom fighters introduced the suicide terrorist. It doesn’t work because there are too many outside groups doing the same thing, and too many people within the Muslim world that have nothing to do with terrorism.

Then we have the other side of the coin, Christianity is a terrorist organization. That really doesn’t work either, because there are 2.2 Billion Christians, and the vast majority of the are not causing wars, or even thinking about it. If we combine religions it gets to nearly 6 billion people, which really doesn’t work out at all, nor does atheist or irreligious who make up somewhere around 1.1 billion. The amount of people being described are way more than those who enact the incidents directly.

We can not use the numbers for people with numbers this large compared to the incidents themselves. No group you just thought of meets the criteria you think it does. The only use for numbers like this are if we are searching for an atomic particle, not a common factor within a horrible act.

In the world of atomic studies, they attempt to isolate a specific particle using all sorts of machinery usually involving lasers, and dumb luck. People in astrophysics trying to spot a black hole or quasar by knowing how they are formed, and what it would look like around them. In other words, to find an asshole, we have to understand them first. We need to isolate them, and thus know how they work to spot them. Then we will see their impact these assholes have on both other assholes, and the rest of the world.

First off, we need to understand what makes an asshole. Then we have to see why they choose out their locations. We see why it works, and how it doesn’t. Finally, we check to see how other assholes use this to their advantage. Thus, we learn how to spot an asshole.

The problem with understanding an asshole, is that there is a variety of them. Some come in because of emotional reasons. Others are put there because of institutions specifically trying to make an asshole they can control. Then we have people who do the exact opposite by deciding to be an asshole on their own, and then plan it out from there.

When I say emotional, I don’t mean just the emotion at the moment. Like any time someone does something wrong, they have multiple reasons to do it. To understand this, I created an equation for how much someone likes a thing, a person, or a place. We will add cultural values to that thing, and then watch scenarios where someone becomes an asshole.

If someone cut you off in traffic, they likely didn’t mean to be an asshole. They may not have seen you, or thought you would see them in time. I have had to do it to get out of a sticky situation. Oddly enough, when I am in places that are accustomed to heavy traffic, they have response times, and ways to not get into crashes from sudden lane changes around them. I can get into a lane in Seattle easier than I ever could in Phoenix, even though I did the exact same things.

I touched on it in the previous article, but having a cultural norm go against a cultural norm is a great way to make an emotional asshole. Both are doing exactly what they would do in their own culture, family, or city and suddenly the other is doing something different. For example, when I was  talking about guns in Washington  it made people scared of me. In Idaho, where I had just moved from, they were a common cultural item that everyone owned. Meanstwhile, in other cultures that I lived in, parents tried to persuade their teenage daughters to get pregnant, and were happy when someone found out they were pregnant after a drunken party.

For an emotional asshole cultural beliefs and the ability to keep concentrating on needed things are what creates them. I created an equation for how much someone likes something, and what they are willing to do about it. I actually did some equations based on these thoughts right after the Aurora Theater shooting. For this essay we will be taking it even further, going into concentration levels, and feelings of connection to an area.

The original equation is (CP)(CnA)or the feeling of Connection and power within and area divided by the feeling of disconnect and acceptance of place in society. I want to get deeper within this equation so a small explanation is needed.

Connection to an area, a people, or an object has a two way street. There is the feeling of being connected. We see something, and our minds tell us whether or not we belong with it. For example, what happens when you see my dog. Most of you think she is cute, but I notice stuff like the greying of her face, and that we just played a game of fetch moments ago. As I said, she is my dog, and I feel connected to her.

Power is an odd feeling, but when you are with a group that you feel connected to, you feel empowered to work with them. You break into song, and feel the voices all around you. You go to an event that is dedicated to people who are into this thing.

Against that we have the actual connections you have within a group. You feel connected to a starving child very far away, but in all honesty know very little about them, or their actual daily life. You want to be a part of a group, and do things to show you are part of it, but know no one in it. You go to Hawaii, see the dances, the songs, and eat the food, and feel connected to the islands, but everyone you have met did it because you paid them to do this.

Acceptance of this is a pretty weird thing. You went to Hawaii, and knew you weren’t actually connecting with the people there, and accept that this is true. In the same way, you arrive in Disneyland, and don’t understand why the actress for Snow White doesn’t like you.

The numbers for an equation like this will be given a base number. I tend to use five, and will for the rest of this essay. This means that everything is based on an out of five statement. So, I the person feeling connected to a place out of five compared to how they are actually connected to the place out of five.

When I visited a tourist attraction, I was amazed by the colorful displays, and how friendly everyone was. Thus I felt a 4 out of 5 connection to the place. I could order anything I wanted, and they gave it to me quickly, but it was within a specific range thus a 3 out of 5. Really though, I wasn’t connected to anyone there, so it’s a 2 out of 5. This angered me slightly, because I wanted it to be real thus a 1 out of 5. (4x3)/(2x1)= 6 which is a very dangerous thing. To feel connected you only need a 1, but the further you go from it, the more dangerous your feelings are. Thus a 6 is making me into an asshole at the tourist place.

Because of this, many tourist shops work hard to not only be friendly, but also act like friends. The feeling of acceptance changes that 1 to a 4, and thus a 1.5 is created. I feel a strong bond with the place, and want to visit it often.

An asshole is created because they feel disconnected or even rejected, while wanting to be a part of the group. For the most part, people will not respond badly to this, because although they want a thing, they learn to accept they can not. Also, their ability to take all of this information in is easy when fully conscious.

This leads us to another equation, the consciousness of said individual. We have the ability to concentrate on a limited amount of things. To help us with this, our minds create common things like walking, and talking, and even paying a bill with a certain amount of unconscious reflex. If I told you to walk in a line, you would be able to do it while talking to me. If I told a baby to walk in a line, it becomes something that they really have to work on, because it’s the first time they have done it.

At the same time, we have unconscious urges, thoughts, and ideas pop into our heads. You have been watching a girl in a bikini walk by, but honestly didn’t realize it because you were thinking about equations and how they apply to common things in life.

It gets even more difficult when our ability to be conscious and concentrate on things have begun to reach their limits. You are in a large crowd, and are trying to get through it quickly. Your mind does not let you see their faces, or what they are doing, because your mind has given getting through them priority.

This mix of conscious and unconscious concentration then mixes with how we prioritize what we deem as important. Our bodies allow us only a limited amount of time to really think straight or work through things as we are awake. Somehow sleep helps us rest not only our bodies, but our ability to concentrate on things.

So we end up with a system that doesn’t quite turn into an equation, because of all the things that may or may not happen in a day. However, we can make something of an approximation, and then use gametization for the rest.

The person in the equation has so much concentration he can give out. The equation already written will show how he or she will see something, and then how they will prioritize their concentration on it. Then the decision on whether to engage with that person more will be decided. Finally, we see how many things are sectioned away to reflex and unconsciousness, but can wear a mind down.

First off, we have to know how much concentration they have at any given time. To do this, a friend -baby brother- helped me write an equation for concentration levels. (P R Es A U)/(H Ej) That is Priority or conscious thought, Reflex or unconscious thought, and Health mixed together against Emotional Stress, Anxiety, and Unconscious stress.

Priority means you actually consciously work to remember and work with everything on this subject, whether it be an equation or a good friend. You walked through a park thinking about an equation, and then saw a good friend and gave that person all of your attention.

As you were walking, your body was telling you how to walk. Every step you took was a complete reflex from what you saw, to where your foot was placed. The reflection of the light from some unknown thing bounced into your eyes for a moment, and you blinked without even realizing it.

Then we have Emotional Stress. It actually takes energy to not think about something. It has your attention, and you work to not think about it. You are feeling underwhelmed by something you read about the other day. A friend of yours treated you badly. As these items wash around in your mind, they take up concentration levels, and cause stress.

Anxiety or strong emotions take up a lot of concentration. You just got into a fight, and it has gotten you down. There is a major test coming up, and it’s all you can think about. This causes your body to take up a lot of energy, emotional ability, and concentration.

Finally we have unconscious stress. This is your body simply regulating itself to the best of it’s abilities as you work your way through various things. This is where things make a quick decision on how much you are going to remember speaking to someone, or what color the leaf was on the tree you were passing by.

In comparison  we have things that give or regulate energy.

As you walked, your body was regulating where and how things were being used. A small limp needs extra energy from your body to make up for the problems. The protein from your breakfast is being digested, and used directly on what you are doing right now. Your fat is being used as a way to collect more energy as needed. So the allowance your body is given based on how healthy it feels at the moment.

Then we have Emotional Joy or happiness. Seeing a cute animal, or someone you love gives energy and amazing levels of concentration. Good news, and a happy moment help us deal with the harsher things.

Basically, we are taking things in that will add to or make it easier to concentrate, compared to things that will take away your ability to concentrate easily. Then, when they are averaged out, we know how much energy has been taken up at any given time. We plot out an average day for someone, and then make a scenario for the same person to become an asshole using emotions and concentration alone.

Before I go into this too far, I think it is necessary that I mention that we are discussing people being assholes. I don’t mean some guy cutting you off in traffic, that’s just an assholish moment. Instead, this is an asshole being an asshole. Past this point we will be discussing things like sexual predators, genocide, murderers, and mass shootings. Writing this all down is to help us understand why a person is an asshole, not condone their actions, or to cause you pain. If you need a break, or to take this slowly, do so.

In my own research, there are times when I read things that disturbed me. The book Dispatches by Michael Herr gave me nightmares as he described horrible things he witnessed in the Vietnam war. When reading about the red guard war in Communist China, I shuddered. Footbinding in China also makes me flinch every time I see a set of sparkly high heels now. For that very reason, I have made sure to keep those books. We can’t learn to deal with things, unless we can face it directly. So please prepare yourself a bit, this should not be a pleasant read.

I write this, because the very first thing I will be detailing involved something that happened near where I live. I won’t go into the actual details, but it is what made me decide to go into this study a little deeper.

A college professor wakes up. He eats cereal for breakfast, and has a small conversation with his wife. Then, he heads off to his office to do paperwork, and prepare for the next class. The class has been taught for several years, and has not been changed to much, so he is doing it fairly reflexively now. He teaches three classes of an average of 40 students, and one with 200 students. His lunch is fairly simple, because he wants to continue researching. At the end of the day he goes home. While there, he watches some TV, talks to his wife some more, and then goes to bed.

This is an average professor, and you will find a variant of this routine on every campus around the world. Nothing I have listed so far is evil. What you need to understand though, is that the professor who sparked the decision to look deeper into it, followed this routine, and is now in jail for stalking and sexual harassment.

Let’s try to figure out how much energy he has in a day, how much an average professor would like or dislike various things, and how it affects them. First off, the breakfast is important. Most of us don’t actually eat enough to keep going in the day. From this point on, we can only speculate, but the breakfast was likely done in a way that was quick, and gave enough energy.

Also, we will say that he has enough sleep to be conscious all day. So for the moment, we will ignore the breakfast and sleep question only to say it is enough, but nothing more.

The day is spent teaching classes that are fairly simple and designed to be follow a specific outline. This professor teaches the beginners classes, which has very rigid demands on what is taught and how. The student has to pass a special test, and if they don’t the teacher is disciplined. So, the professor teaches it to an exact amount. The students have been asking the same questions for years, so this part is also memorized.

With all of this is the reality that he teaches several students at the same time. His attention must now be placed on multiple students while giving the lecture. The answers are fairly reflexive but seeing that a student has a question means he has to be ready to exit out of his flow. Thus, he gives his attention to the crowd, and then the students directly as needed.

For the most part, he is in flow with his lesson, and barely paying attention to the students themselves. This sounds mean, but is actually a way of saving conscious thought for other things. The lecture is repetitive, and the students themselves are, for the most part, not going to do anything to befriend him. The flow he enters is important.

Flow is a debated subject, brought up first by Mihaly Csicksentmihalyi in his psychological studies. His interpretation of flow is that our abilities and our challenge become equalized, and we enter into a moment where our concentration becomes only the subject itself. For this paper it is where your reflexes and concentration become centered on the subject, and you barely notice the outside world.

I observed it in gamers as they play. Many turn on a form of flow that makes them forget where they are, and they go slightly zombie like while playing. You can observe accountants or designers as they stare at a computer for hours. People I have talked with say they lose track of time, and feel as if it is only the subject itself. Within gaming lingo, flow is what game designers aim for. An actor friend says he feels it when he has his first costume practice for a play, he suddenly feels the emotions of the character clearly, and how things are working.

The problem with flow is that the person forgets where they are. The absent minded professor is someone so immersed in the subject, they forget they are not in the right classroom. Our professor has been doing this for a long time, and like many observed gamers, enters into it quickly.

A student has a question. To respond, the conscious mind must stop the flow, and turn to focus on the student suddenly. Imagine having to stop a river, and then redirecting it with great haste. The energy and ability to do this is taxing.

A professor will have to be ready with a slight unconscious or reflexive stop ready. If they simply don’t have the ability to do so, the student will have a harder time getting the attention of the teacher.

The goal of the professor is to enter into flow, and not be distracted. In the same way, anyone doing paperwork has to work to not have things disturb them as they try to figure out what needs to go where. Every distraction means having to enter into flow again, and energy to get out of it. The problem is that it takes a great deal of concentration, and you miss important things that will give you more energy like food, and sometimes breathing.

So, a single class will have 5 questions on average, and thus take up extra energy to answer.

Now it’s time to measure that out. First we need to show how much the professor enjoys his job as a teacher. Remember, this is comparing the feeling of connection to it, as opposed to the disconnect. (CP)(CnA) just in case you wanted to recheck.

The subjects are something he likes, but it is dull, and repetitive after a while. Thus the feeling of teaching normally is a connection to the work itself, or the flow of it. A 4 out of 5, but very little power since the professor has to teach what is given to him. Thus a 2 out of 5. Then a feeling of disconnect from the students, both because of flow, and because of the differences in age and education level, so a 3 out of 5. He accepts this, because its his job, so another 3 out of 5. With this we have 8 over 9, or .89. The closer you are to 1, the more you sanely like a thing.

Thus he gives it a priority of 4.44 out of 5 (or 5 times .89).

Now we have to calculate how much he enjoys his students directly. To be honest, he likely feels very little connection to them, because they are a face in the crowd. They are a student though, so it won’t be a complete stranger. A 2 out of 5 seems appropriate. His power over this student is somewhat great, because he is the teacher. A 3 out of 5 seems the strongest he should feel. His connection to them is very small directly. Most students won’t speak to him or talk to him after class, so he knows they will appear and then disappear. A 4 out of 5 for his disconnection is a good description. He accepts this, because the chance of them really mattering in his life is very small. So a 3 out of 5. Thus, a 6 over 12, or .5 in liking them. For priority each students gets about a 2.5, but this then has to be added together from every student in the room. It’s true, he barely notices them, but it’s the large amount that are doing it.

A class of 40 has taken up 100, which he teaches three times, for 300 in a few hours. Then he has the 200 student class, which potentially has the possibility of taking up 500. Just from teaching he has taken up 500 conscious points.

Now lets see how much each class has taken up in energy completely. For a class of 40, they have 100 priority, but what about reflex or Emotional stress? Reflexes should be steady, but we do need to factor the out of flow question.

The moment of flow should take all of the attention of the professor. As you can see there is a good reason for it. If he paid attention to his students, then it would take a lot of energy, so his mind mostly ignores them unless a question is asked.

The sequence is basically, the priority is toward the lecture, and the professor is in flow with it. A student asks him a question. The professor has to stop his thought process, look at the audience, and then prioritize onto the student quickly. This lurch of emotions can drain, but is better than trying to engage the entire class during the whole lecture.

First let’s enter the professors conscious take during the lecture before the question. For those of you about to look at the equation again -me for example- here (P R Es A U)/(H Ej). We already know his priority toward the lecture is 4.44. He has his reflexes set him to stop the flow if the bell rings, or a student asks a question. Basically, a low level reflex but not completely off so a 2 out of 5. Emotional Stress and Anxiety are gone during flow so they both get a 1 out of 5.

Health is fine, but not adding energy at the moment, so a 2. Emotional Joy is only slightly there, but flow is making the most of it, so a 2 out of 5. Thus we have a 8.9 over 4. This means at the time of the lecture during flow, the professor is taking up about 2.225 energy as a constant at any given moment.

A student raises her hand. This creates a chain of events that means the teacher has to leave the flow, and find the student. His connection to the lecture stays the same, but his disconnect and acceptance drops to 1, he has to leave it. The 8 is then increased by 5, which makes a 40. His reflexes are turned on to a 3 to find the interruption, and understand the situation. The emotional stress is increased to a 3 as well. The anxiety and unconscious stress are both at one for this situation. Once again we won’t talk about his health, except to say it continues to exist but is not adding energy, so another 2 out of 5. His emotional joy at being asked is actually heightened to a 3 because someone is showing interest in the subject. Thus we have 60 conscious points given out if this continued for an entire minute.

Luckily his reflexes are strong, and his realizing the student raised her hand, and he responds to it within about 3 seconds. He noticed a hand raised in the first second. Now he has to let in the recognitions of the entire class, those floodgates of information, and find the student that raised her hand.

For a class of 40, this means his priority is increased by that as well. Thus, for a second his priority is 1600, as his reflexes move through the students to see the hand raised, and the person doing it. His emotional stress is increased to a full five, and his anxiety is a 3 at dealing with such a level. The Reflexes are still at 2, while the unconscious stress places more energy toward the searching for the student at 2. Once again his health is fine at two, but not adding anything, but his Emotional Joy is at a 4, it is a thrill to do the search. Thus we have 19,200 over 8, or 2,400 conscious points.

The next second he sees the student, and lets the majority of his priority go to her. He feels a connection to her as a fellow learner, but also a power at knowing he is answering her question. Thus a three and a three together. He is also disconnected slightly from having to leave his flow to talk with her, and that he accepts it as part of the job, so another set of threes. Thus, his priority is 1.

The reflexes are heightened as he speaks to her, for any extra questions by other students, and thus a 3. The emotional stress of the moment is lowered to a 2, as his anxiety raises slightly in hopes of answering the question correctly for a 3. The mind goes back to normal levels of stress and calms down to a one. His emotional joy is heightened to a 3, and his health continues to be there at 2. Thus for this second it is a 3, continues like this as he gives the answer for the rest of the minute.

A minute is the unit of measurement for the amount of time. Thus that scary looking 2400 goes down to 40, but that is still a lot for a single second. The entire minute is approximately 43.9 conscious points taken up. If a lecture takes an hour, the professor has five questions that interrupt the flow, and then 55 minutes of flow, thus a single lecture for a class of 40 is 122.375 flow and 219.5 non flow points. Thus his 3 classes are 341.875 conscious points each, and the 200 student class is actually only 445 -he doesn’t take questions for a class that size. Thus his lecturing time is 1470.625 a day. His time at his office is approximately 2 hours of basic flow time, so that is another 890 points.

Lunch will only be enough to sustain, and perhaps give short term energy. Then back to the flow of an office routine of grading papers or personal research. This will take energy, and consciousness, but near the end the body will begin to send out warning signals. The professor will have difficulties accessing his own memory, and forget the spelling of important words.

He will head home, and try to enjoy his time with his wife, and watch something that will not take up too much energy. Then back to bed.

At this point, I should state that this is all guesswork. We need better testing, to get true answers. For the moment consider this a best guess. However, yeah, I noticed it is about even with the amount of calories you need in a day as well. For the moment we will say they do work together, somehow, and that the professor tries to have enough energy to make it through his lectures as best he can. I believe this is a great place to start, and look forward to see what others do with it.

With the setup of 2360.625 we have a base to work off of. We can see how the professor works to have enough energy to get through the day, but not enough to do much more. Now we need to screw with his life.

Once again, we are trying to make this man become an asshole. This means that his life will not be happy. You won’t like what he becomes, nor will you like the process. I don’t enjoy writing about this, and in fact, this is one of the reasons why it took me so long to write it. For that same reason, I am trying to be as thorough as possible. There will be equations for as many things to figure out the chances of the right moment happening.

The likely candidate for the beginning is a health issue along with lack of sleep. Something happened, and our professor wakes up without being fully rested. He is late, so he doesn’t eat a breakfast. When he walks into class his health is down a great deal, and his ability to do conscious things begins to drop.

He takes his first three lectures. He has reserves for two lectures before it begins to affect him greatly. At his third, he feels tired, and his priority levels attempt to stay in flow to keep him going. His speech patterns are slowed, and his ability to keep things in priority are lowered.

The reason for this is his body decides where the place energy. The higher level thinking like priority, or emotional stress take back seats to reflexes and unconscious work. Sadly the unconscious self also allows for things the conscious self would never do.

Things like sexual drive, hunger, and others begin to show up within his own consciousness. His body shows that it needs these things, and he has difficulties sending priority to food or keeping balance.

Sadly his reflex level has levels that work within a monthly cycle, and had it been a week before, he would have been fine, but he is now at his hormonal peak. Unknown to most people, men have a monthly cycle just like women. How it affects men entirely is unknown, but studies show that at the peak men tend to be more sexually pressed, and thus their reflexes lean more toward sex than hunger. The studies into the matter are only barely begun, and up to a lot of debate. Why hasn’t it been mentioned before? It was long theorized, because male genitals are essentially altered female genitals. If one does something, shouldn’t the other? The problem was that academic studies didn’t look into it very much, because they were busy dealing with women’s cycles. Being able to make a baby inside you takes way more priority.

This is also a problem because some of the women in his class are sending signals to each other that they are ovulating. Entirely how all of this works is unknown, but it is believed that somehow the scent alters enough that it is picked up subconsciously through the mind. So far the tests on the matter show something is happening, but how and what are still up in the air.

This is happening entirely without the professor consciously realizing it, but he feels an attraction to the women in the room. Then one of them asks a question.

There is a problem with this scenario that you haven’t thought about, and it is a difficult one to talk about. All of the women in the class chose out clothes based on how they looked in the mirror. It was at eye level at best, and viewed as workable. Although none of them intended to, and thus it is no fault on their own, the angle the teacher sees them at is not at the same level.

The students are sitting down, leaning forward and moving back. As an exercise, sit down, and begin to lean forward, then move back to sitting. You lifted yourself slightly to move back to sitting instead of slouching. This small motion slowly moves whatever is between yourself and your seat in various directions. For pants or dresses, it makes them ride up. This shirts are pulled up and forward slightly as well.

I actually debated with myself on whether or not I should give an equation on how it moves the clothes. In fact, I still want to, but the friction differences of clothing, and figuring out the exact amount of movement took too much time. Needless to say it does happen, and you have likely experienced it.

If it is a skirt or a dress, the more it rides up, the easier it is to see beyond the dress. This also works for a shirt with a low or loose neck.

At ground level, the professor will begin to notice the shirts showing more cleavage sooner because of the angle he is at. He is seeing the first at a 45 degree angle, and thus will see more than intended. If the classroom is a theater type, the skirt riding up may actually be at eye level with no turn of the head at all.

The student asks the question, and the professor goes through the exact same process as he did before. The only difference is now his priority levels are taking him longer, and his reflexes are noticing the women around him. Thus the moment of letting it all in takes twice as much energy as expected, which is bad for him because he is already low. At 80, his mind actually does something it shouldn’t. It places talking to her in the wrong context. Instead of the priority conscious level, it places her at the reflexive sexual level. His ability to place things at priority is sapped, and his mind is having to use what it can to move on.

This is no fault by her, or those who are signalling that she is ovulating. The bodies are doing this without conscious thought going on. In fact, the professor is not consciously noticing it either, but he is weak, and it is affecting him greatly. He sees the student, checks her waist to height ratio and figure in other patterns within his reflexive mind. He sees things he really shouldn’t, and because of clothing movement, he is seeing her in ways she did not intend for him to see. This actually makes him forget what he is talking about for a moment. His conscious levels at least get him to answer, and move him back to the flow of the lecture.

The class took 400 points when it should have taken 341, and he did not have enough energy for it. He takes a lunch break, and eats up quickly. His body consumes quickly, but his grogginess is only somewhat taken care of. He takes a stimulant of coffee as a way to stay awake enough to teach the last class of 200. It goes well, but his mind now has the students from the previous class stuck in his mind.

This can happen to anyone, and would take a few days to get over. The professor had a weak moment, and now has to deal with the results. The student did not intend for him to have this moment, nor deserve his sudden desires.

What he does during his office hours makes it worse. He has difficulties processing because of the moment, and is now tempted to deal with it. Academics say they spend 80 hours a week working. This is part of a larger culture of proving your worth by working long hours. The reality is a lot of those hours are spent in the office not actually working. There is a computer and internet, so many spend time searching the web.

Because we have been talking about them, we might as well dig a little deeper into conscious and unconscious thought. Our conscious selves are actually intertwined with unconscious ideas and motivations. There are two major theories on it, and they are covered by psychology and psychiatry. The first believes we have conscious and unconscious thoughts that are constantly working together to make a decision. The second believes that conscious thought is separate, and that unconscious thought is actually how the body is working. They also have a deeper level of unconscious thought than the first. The first also deals with conscious and unconscious as a type of science, whereas the second views it in a medical sense.

The reality is that these are coping mechanisms by scientists to deal with the incredible complexity of the brain. We have no idea why consciousness exists, and there are some that argue it does not exist at all. We know the body is working with it, and all of this is being controlled by the brain, but entirely how is still being worked out.

When I wrote the equation  (P R Es A U)/(H Ej) it was meant to show how much energy is being used, as opposed to how much is needed. It does take some honesty though, to admit some of these work in various levels of conscious and unconsciousness. Priority isn’t just a conscious effort to think about something directly, but also an unconscious attempt to only look at what is needed. As we saw when the professor exited out of flow, it took mental stress to look at his student.

This is why so much is placed into reflex, because it takes up less energy than consciousness. You don’t need to think about moving your legs to walk, and keeping balance, but a part of your body is going through the controls already set up to deal with it. Tripping is basically something stopped the reflex from working correctly.

We have conscious emotional stress, and unconscious kinds. At first this sounds bad, but the use of it helps us remember things. The Es becomes a way to quickly remember things. The more you remember, the more it is placed within reflexes, and thus causes stress in the system. You see a flower along your walk, and the scent is so amazing your mind decides to remember the Emotional Joy it caused. Thus the Es was needed to help you build up Ej.

Anxiety is the attempt to deal with Es difficulties. This becomes a problem when you have extra energy, but your body doesn’t know what to do with it. Thus Anxiety can be boredom, or an attempt to use up the abilities you already have.

The professor sitting at his desk now has energy, but not enough sleep to really do things with a full conscious thought. The stimulant only placed energy in specific spots, and has a bad wear down within the body. Thus he is sitting at the computer, expected to be there to prove his worth, has already done some research, but his reflexes and unconscious body control are saying he needs to deal with all of this extra anxiety. To thwart it, he attempts to do something that helps his unconscious go into a sort of flow, but also deal with lower level hormonal demands.

If you haven’t figured out what he does, then I congratulate you. With the memory of the woman in his class stuck on his mind, he looks at pornography to reenact the feelings he had at that moment. This allows his mind to enter flow, for him to let up anxiety, and also create emotional joy. The problem is that this creates Emotional stress since he remembers what he is looking at, and also what he was thinking about.

(CP)(CnA) shows how much he enjoys it. He has control over it, and power over what he sees. This creates a great deal of Es by giving us two fours. The problem is that he has no real connection to it, and a part of him greatly dislikes this. Thus a 2 and a 2. At 4, he is actually way out of line, and unable to think straight.

His body has already taken up more energy than it can handle. The feeling causes greater emotional stress, and his priority is focused greatly on this subject. His priority is thus at 20, while his reflex is at 3, and his Emotional Stress is also at 3. The anxiety and unconscious thoughts go down to ones. Thus he is taking up a potential 180 points of mental abilities. He has some emotional joy with it, but his bodily health is diminished greatly to half of what is needed. Thus a 3 become a 1.5. The professor takes up 120 for 5 minutes. At 600, he has created a big problem for himself, even if the rest was pure flow. His brain actually empties slightly, and his hormones are now controlling his mind more than he really expects.

If you are expecting him to do something bad right now, you are wrong. He actually gets up and leaves the office after his mind is able to deal with it all. He goes home, spends time with his wife, and goes to bed.

There are two types of Emotional Assholes, and this is not the type that does it spur of the moment. The problems work themselves slowly, and take years to fully cover him. By the time he it actually shows, the mistakes he has made have become reflex, and have pushed him into worse and worse things. That moment of weakness, which we all have, let him go into more moments of weakness.

The long term Emotional Asshole honestly believes they have things under control, even after several mistakes. The thing is, they are right. When this professor is fully rested, and eats to fill his energy needs, he is great. He can do things like any other professor, and even better at times. You wouldn’t realize he has these problems until you saw the evidence itself.

When they start, things like watching someones window, or sending constant emails is a ridiculous idea. They feel no connection to it, and little power with the idea. The disconnect fills them with pride, and they accept it greatly. Thus a 2 and a 1 versus a 4 and a 5. At .1 of any sense of priority over the idea, the slow growth of the sense of power over it arrives. At first, a simple email to contact the student feels good, and that it has nothing to do with other desires.

By the way, this isn’t the original student. This is several students later. The original question asker has moved on with her life, and not been in contact at all. She has no reason to, she barely knew the professor.

This new student is after several feelings of connection, and attempts to reenact that single moment. There does seem to be something there, but the professor honestly doesn’t know.

So the email is being sent, and its about school items. The student thanks the professor for the help, and this feeling of connection grows. The sense of power over the matter increases as well. The professor is still at 4 and 5 with disconnect and acceptance, but his connection and power have increased to a 3 and a 2. The feeling only grows slightly to .3 of priority. Nothing bad happens.

Another student goes by, and the professor sends out an email, and is asked a few questions. He answers them quickly, and his sense of disconnect loses a point. The priority grows to .4, and the professor doesn’t notice it at all. He has no interest in bothering people, and feels contented with dealing with his weak moments in other ways.

The problem is that he is now imagining these students with the acts themselves he sees on the computer. His body no longer wants the disconnect as much, and with a few years going through several students, it drops to 2. At 6 over 8, we begin to hit a threshold mark, and it is not a pretty moment.

His mind in class now begins to look for students to feel this weird sense of connection with as he goes out of flow from the class to answer a question. Far worse, he feels more connected to the class, but its a false sense of connection. His sense of power over the students, because he naturally has authority over them begins to grow as well. Thus a 4 and a 3, go over an 8, and we start into obsession.

Things like sending personal emails to students, which is against the rules of the university, begins to be ignored. He makes a comment he really shouldn’t in class. The students begin to show a sense of unease, and his feeling of disconnect grows. He hits a feeling of disconnect at 4, and his acceptance of it is small at 1.5. He wants to feel connected because of the Emotional Joy it brings, and how it helps him deal with the requirements of the day.

This is when he goes too far. He begins to talk to a student, and invites her to his office for discussion. He narrows his desires to this one, and feels a false sense of connection for her with a 4, and a sense of power over it with a 4. The problem is he knows he has no connection with her, at 4, but doesn’t accept it. His priority is at 2, and he begins to do things he previously thought were bad ideas.

Long emails are sent, he spies her from her window. He tries to use his position at the school as a way to convince her to do things. She feels very disconnected to him, and holds a slight feeling of connection with little power over it. Thus her priority or sense of liking him back are set at 2 over 8. She barely likes him at .25, and he is scaring her. Her priority begins to move toward getting away and seeking shelter.

His advances are reported to the authorities. Other students point out he has done something like this before. His mistakes are shown a great deal, and the teacher is sent to jail, fired, and loses his marriage.

Before we get into this, the university near me has hundreds of professors, and members of staff. The vast majority do not end up doing what this professor did. They had weak moments as well, but learned to deal with them, or even reject them. For the most part, 99.99% of the staff are not this professor.

There is another type of Emotional Asshole, and that is the sudden type. We won’t need to go into this as deeply because the equations and information have already been given. The moment is very quick, and sad if you ever think about it.

A woman is carrying a gun with her as she walks down a street. Someone runs at her, and she shoots him. He was returning her wallet she had just dropped. This entire thing took 3 seconds.

I chose a woman shooting a man because the previous example was a man doing something to a woman. The details about the area is Seattle or Portland, in an area where you honestly don’t know who is a multimillionaire and who is homeless. Also, they are the same color so there is no way judgements on race or differences can be placed. The woman made her choice in a few seconds based on the moment itself, and not outside influencers.

To assess this, we need to know how much experience she has with this situation, and also her ability to think it through. This does not mean her IQ, but the given amount of consciousness she will be using to figure out what to do. Then we will compare that to her reflexes on the situation itself. With that the amount of time will be factored in, and we will have a way to look at the situation itself.

First off, the woman has the same amount of mental needs as the professor in the previous example. Her need to walk from the bus stop to work means a great deal of mental ability is used simply walking past other pedestrians, and to her destination a block away. She passes about 100 people, but only sees them as a blink.

She has no sense of connection to them, so they are a one, but she needs to have power over her movements around them to get to work so a 3. Her disconnect is strong at a 3, and she accepts it happily at 3. She views those she passes as a small glimpse of time, and with very little priority. It’s 100 people in chunks, but it can basically be described as 150 mental points for conscious priority. It takes her 3 minutes to get to work, so she is actually only taking up 50 per minute.

Her mind is mostly reflex at 3, with Emotional Stress at a 2. Her anxiety is high at 3 because her brain is trying to deal with the maneuvering quickly, while her unconscious self works to keep her healthy at a 2. She is very healthy right now at a 3 and her emotional joy is fairly low at a two. So, for this minute long walk she is at 300 mental points. There is no way she can handle this.

Her mind instead, lets her reflexes move quickly, but only lets her set her priority for a few seconds of that minute. So for 15 seconds, she is consciously making decisions, and the rest is a flow like sense. Her reflexes are still fine, but her priority is to work only, and that is a one. So she takes up 75 points going through the stress of getting through the crowd, and 6 points zoning out.

It’s still 243 points just to get to work, which does make it difficult for her to focus at first when she arrives. Had she let it take her entire consciousness, it would have completed her full 1500 points needed for the entire day.

She dropped her wallet somehow, and the man picks it up, and yells at her to get her attention. It’s only meant to help her slow down, but it means having to go into being aware of her surroundings. For a second, all of the pedestrians around her come into focus, and she looks for who called. Her reflexes are higher at 3, and she has Emotional stress from having to open up at 3. The anxiety raises because she doesn’t know what is happening for another 3. Her health is still a 3, and she has no emotional joy on the matter. Because it only takes a second it is one sixtieth of the potential.

Thus the first second takes up 67.5 mental points. This is nearly all of the amount she would have given a single minute.

When she focuses on the man, she sees that he is running toward her, but she does not know why. She feels in danger, and her priorities compare him with her priority of herself. This is not going to be a good thing.

She views herself as completely connected, and she has power to control her destiny for the most part. Thus a 5 and a 4. There is no disconnection at a 1, and she is fine with this at a 5. She is at a 4 for her own well being and safety. He on the other hand has very little connection to her at a 2, and seems to want power over her at another 2. His disconnect to her is a 4, and he doesn’t seem to accept this at a 2. Thus, he is a .5 in priority of importance to her.

When deciding between her safety, we divide her sense of self to her sense of priority with him. This creates an 8. She is ready to deal with him harshly.

Thus her brain is giving her a 40, with strong reflexes, and a high anxiety and emotional stress. She hits a 4, a 3, and a 4. Her health is still fine, but it won’t be enough to stop her. She is at an 80 for this second.

The man is honestly not realizing his situation. He saw the wallet fall, and ran to grab it. His sense of connection to her is a 2, and he feels a slight amount of power in the situation by calling her attention. His disconnect is a 2, and he is fine with it at a 3. Thus, he thinks of her at a .67. He is running to give her the wallet she dropped, and does not see the gun in time.

She saw him running toward her, and immediately panics. Her gun is in her hands quickly, she aims and fires within the next second. Her reflexes and priority go directly at the man, and ignores anyone else. She feels a high anxiety, and Emotional Stress. She now feels no connection to the man, and very little power over him. She is disconnected, and wants it to stay that way. Thus, she views him with a 1 and a 2, over a 1 and a 5. Thus her view of him has dropped to a .4. This raises her priority to 10, and thus 50. At 4 with reflexes, anxiety, and emotional stress, with unconscious thought almost stopping for a moment, she is using up everything she has and then some. Her health is still there, and she has no emotional joy. She pulls the trigger, and her mental points take up 384 for a single second.

As the bullet fires, he realizes she has a gun, and is scared. His hands go up, but the trigger is pulled and he falls to the ground. Luckily for everyone involved this is an urban area with tons of people holding phones. The man survives.

What happened? Why did she make such a horrible mistake? We now see that she used up a great deal of mental ability, more than her unconscious brain was actually giving her. The entire trip would take 243 points, and she ended up taking 527.5 for the three seconds given.

She had bad reflexes, because she hadn’t been trained to respond correctly to the situation. Something a gun owner would look at and shake their head. She didn’t train well enough to make the proper reflexes yet, and likely should not have been carrying the gun in the first place. Her ability and reflexes were low, and far worse, she had a high level of not knowing, or disconnect of how to respond, and no acceptance of it. The exact same equation used for priority is used to assess her ability with this gun. She fired correctly somehow so she gets a 2, but she should have waited, her knowledge gets a 1. Her lack of knowledge or disconnect is a 5, while she doesn’t even care about this rates her at a 1. She is thus at .4 in abilities for the situation.

The time she had was 3 seconds from hearing the call to making the decisions to pull the trigger. This means she had .05 minutes to assess and figure everything out.

So we rate the amount of thought taken, vs the amount of thought given or 243/527.5 or .46. Then we take the numbers and multiply them together. The equation basically looks like this, M x A x T. We find her ability is at .0092 or not even at 1% in being able to respond correctly to the situation.

Far more interesting, because she took up so much mental ability to come to her decision, the bullet entering into the man is now in slow motion in her memory. When in tense situations many people turn on their full ability to remember -thus the high emotional stress and anxiety rating- and see things in a much slower time. To them, what happened did not take seconds. The woman will now have to live with the memory of pulling the trigger at a man trying to be kind to her. It is embedded in her mind deeper than the professor that looked at the student in his moment of weakness.

The two situations show us the emotional asshole types. We have someone who slowly goes from ordinary to horribleness. Then we have a very small moment with someone who is not prepared to respond correctly and thus makes a terrible mistake. The equations given were for priority, mental ability given, and ability for that particular situation. It helped us understand how someone screws up in a situation, and becomes an asshole.

This is the most common asshole you will meet. In fact, most laws are designed to take care of situations and decisions like these. For example, in many states in the US, there is a minimum safe distance you need to be from the car in front of you. This is to give you time, and ability to slow down suddenly if they do.

When you read the NEWS, or hear about things, most people respond by assuming it was something like this. The reason why is they are mostly right. The majority of crimes are not planned out by someone choosing to be evil, nor are they being done by people being trained to do an evil thing.

I think the last equation needs work, and ask everyone for their knowledge on how to improve them. I dabbled with some on how a young student learns to read and do math. However the levels of distraction are pure guesses, and I would like actual tests to be done to get more accuracy. An experiment is never done, you just write a paper about what you have done so far.

The next article will be about the recruited asshole, and how the entire process takes place. We will be using these equations, and maybe more to watch someone go from an ordinary person to a gang banger or a suicide bomber. Some of the information will likely shock you because of how you have been told things work. Gangs and Terrorist organizations are not low tech idiots. You will also be shocked to know it will be covering some of my very first anthropological work. A time before I knew anthropologists existed, and that I should have taken notes.


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