TooDX: Sportsball

One of my all time favorite games is Joust by Midway. At the Portland Retro Gaming Expo we had three Joust machines, and I played none of them. This was a bit tragic for me.

Sportball can also be called Joust Soccer, because it is Joust with a soccer goal. You choose out your mount and team, with things ranging from small ostriches, to giant lizards or buzzards. I was a buzzard and conquered all.

The first game I just played Joust, and ignored the balls. In fact, I didn’t really get what they were for. This was not the greatest strategy, but I had fun. The same rules applied, if you land on top of an opponent, you kill them. They reappear from the goal line. Random balls bounce everywhere.

The second time I played, the balls finally made sense, but i was terrible at it. I figured out how to control the ball a bit, and attacked opponents near the ball. This was enough to win 2 out of 3 games. I admit the guy on my team was likely the one scoring all the goals.


He is on the left. The other two were our worthy opponents. Seeing as the guy on the right made the game, I would say there was a set up somewhere.

I loved the game, and will be getting it as soon as I can. Four player is the superior way to play, and it will be a lot of fun grabbing friends, and attacking them with my all powerful buzzard.


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